Big Ole Bike Club
Alexandria MN
Follow us on Facebook.
Mission: To develop and promote year-round cycling for all ages and skill levels along with providing support for various service projects in our central Minnesota community.
Big Ole Bike Club is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
Supports the local Youth Mountain Bike Team, "Mountaineers"
Supports the local Cycling Without Age Alexandria "CWAA"
Supports the local Rune Stone Off-road Cyclist "ROC" for trail building & maintenance
Supports FANT Friends of Alexandria Nature Trail
Supports Central Lakes Trail Cleanup
Our year-round group organized rides for all ages and abilities are on road, fat tire, gravel and mountain bikes
Rides with other community clubs
Representation with Active Living Douglas County
Volunteer for local Triathlons, Duathlons & other healthy community events
Supports the Annual Youth Outdoor Activity Day Event
Supports YMCA trail expansion project and other YMCA community activities
Supports the Alexandria Police Bike Rodeo for Kids promoting bike safety
Supports Douglas County Sheriff in promoting bike safety & skills for elementary students
Bicycle safety is promoted within all of our activities
News & Updates
We are using a system called "Remind" for you to receive text messages regarding weekly schedules, updates and cancellations.
Text @gravgrind to 81010 for Gravel Grinders (Check Schedule/Routes during Gravel Season)
Text @snowbiker to 81010 for Fat Tire Bikers (Winter season- Tuesday night 6:30pm various locations)

Annual Big Ole Bike Club Membership
With every membership, a liability and personal accident insurance is included.
Single $30
Family $50
Sign up now! Stop in at Alex Bike Shop or Jake's Bikes or join online.
Weekly Rides

Adopt A Trail
Events - Rides & Races
We are using the new Ride With GPS app to connect members with each other on upcoming ride/race events. Click the Events button, on the next screen you will see all of the Events that our members are interested in doing. You can click on the View icon and Click to RSVP if you have signed up or are interested. You will need to be signed into to your RWG account or you can create a new account at this time. The Admin of our account will connect all the participants together for further communications.

Gravel Grinder Routes
Ride With GPS Gravel Routes
Outdoor Gear Library
Alexandria Community Education provides winter gear for rental. Cross Country Ski, Ice Fishing, Snowshoes & Bird Watching Kit.

Making A Difference
Supporting Youth Cycling
The Big Ole Bike Club supports the Central Lakes Trail, Kensington Rune Stone Park, Brophy Park and Barsness Park Glenwood single-track trail development. In 2016, the Alexandria Area Youth Cycling Mountaineer's Mountain Bike team was started with many club members involved in coaching the initial 8 riders. Our goal to get more kids on bikes as they start their 9th year.

Membership Benefits
Membership includes Liability and Accident Insurance when on any group ride. (more information...)
$30 Single Membership
$50 Family Membership
Email/Text updates, Club events, Social gatherings and lots of fun group rides year-round with amazing riders
Meet new friends and riders
Special discounts at Alex Bike Shop
Special discounts at Jake’s Bikes
Accident & Liability insurance on group rides
RideWithGPS App advanced options (free)
Be a part of a great organization that supports our community of all ages and abilities with your skills and talents of cycling